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Caravan of Love

Caravan of Love

Earlier this year we formed a Virtual Choir and Band for pupils, parents, staff and the wider Yarm School community to get involved in. Music has a unique power to bring people together and we wanted to harness this during these particularly challenging times.

Our Music Department created the Virtual Choir and Band to create a sense of unity amongst our community and planned a performance of the well-known song, Caravan of Love. To ensure people of all musical abilities were able and eager to take part, the department provided both vocal and instrumental parts of the piece. The final number of performances we received was incredible and proves how significant of a role music plays in all of our lives. It was incredible to see pupils, parents, staff and even professional singers and instrumentalists from around the north east so eager to get involved.

Mrs Staggs, Director of Music here at Yarm School said: “This project was important to all of us at Yarm School. Music is unifying, calming, uplifting and something that touches everyone’s life in some way. This is such an iconic song, and gives a message of love and hope, something we all need in these challenging times. I hope that everyone enjoys the production, and thanks to all those who have taken part.”

We celebrated the premiere of our first virtual choir project during our annual Dovecote Concert which was a virtual event this year. You can watch the full concert, including beautiful solo and ensemble performances from music pupils past and present.

Mr McIntyre who leads music recording activity here at Yarm School, said: “The school community, the community of Yarm and surrounding areas, professional singers and instrumentalists all came together to create a lasting musical memory of the challenging times we find ourselves in. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology we will be able to reach out to our pupils and many other people, in their homes during lockdown, to create a stunning vocal and musical performance and I am very proud of everyone who took part.”

Tegan Addison, pupil at Yarm School said: “I was excited to get involved in the Caravan of Love Project because one of my favourite things about the music school at Yarm is the opportunity to collaborate with other musicians, in clubs such as choir and orchestra. This performance is a brilliant way to bring everyone together in these uncertain times and I love how anyone could join in.”

Ananya Padmanabhan, pupil at Yarm School, said: “I loved being part of the virtual choir and performing Caravan of Love. It’s a fantastic song which conveys the hope that is needed in these unprecedented times. The music department worked really hard to make sure that there was a part for everyone who wanted to be involved. I hope that anyone listening to it will feel inspired to make some music of their own and feel happy even when times are tough.”

Open Morning: Nursery, Prep, Senior School and Sixth Form  For families with children aged 3-18 years. Join us 9am - 12noon on Saturday 28th September to explore the fantastic opportunities at Yarm!

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