Yarm School’s eduCCate Global Climate Change Teacher can Deliver World Class Climate Change Lessons

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Yarm School’s eduCCate Global Climate Change Teacher can Deliver World Class Climate Change Lessons

Our very own Mr Alexander is in the first tranche of 650 people in the world to become an eduCCate Global Climate Change Teacher, accredited by UN CC:Learn. Josh, who teaches geography and games, can now deliver world class climate change lessons to pupils here at Yarm School.

Pupils in Year 11 and Sixth Formers will be introduced to subjects including carbon capture technologies, climate change mitigation, the work of the UN around climate change and the implications of industrialisation on the climate.

There are plans to introduce a ‘climate change’ unit to lower school pupils, supported by the resources provided by eduCCate Global. The material will also be used by the lunchtime geography club.

Mr Alexander says “I’m thrilled to be one of the first 650 teachers in the world to earn this accreditation. It involved a range of modules from children and climate change and cities and climate change, to gender and environment, human health and international legal regime.

“The course furthered my understanding of the whole subject of climate change and gave me ideas on how to integrate it into my teaching. It will certainly support Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) projects I supervise, such as one on the topic of sustainable architecture I recently supervised.

“I can’t wait to pass on everything I learned to the pupils at Yarm School, and to inspire everyone to be more conscious about climate change.

What is an eduCCate Global Climate Change Teacher?

The eduCCate Global Climate Change Teacher accreditation is being delivered by eduCCate Global, in partnership with the UNITAR (UN CC:Learn). Not only will eduCCate Global Climate Change Teachers, accredited by UN CC:Learn be able to deliver vital lessons about climate change to their pupils, but they will also earn CPD and certification from the United Nations.

The innovative programme was launched in the United Kingdom on April 22nd 2019 and has now launched to all schools throughout the world as the eduCCate Global Awards. Since its launch, around 11,000 teachers have been accredited and 329,000 schools have signed up worldwide.

Climate Change at Yarm School

We strive to be an eco-conscious School and are eager to encourage and support our pupils in taking a leading role when it comes to tackling climate change and moving towards a carbon neutral future.

Our success in achieving four consecutive Eco-Schools Green Flag Awards and now having an eduCCate Global Climate Change Teacher in our school only cements our commitment to environmental awareness in education.

Dr Huw Williams said: “We’re looking forward to seeing Mr Alexander share this knowledge with pupils through engaging activities around the causes and effects of climate change, mitigation steps and possible adaptation strategies to tackle it.

“Recent extreme weather events that have been attributed to climate change, including the devastating fires in Australia, alongside the news that the recent decade is the warmest on record, reinforce the importance of engaging our pupils and students with these issues and encouraging them to make changes in their lives that can make a big difference to the environment.”

Open Morning: Nursery, Prep, Senior School and Sixth Form  For families with children aged 3-18 years. Join us 9am - 12noon on Saturday 28th September to explore the fantastic opportunities at Yarm!

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